MoneyLaw, according to its fiercest critic, "is going to become the poster child for corrupt law professors." Hey, it's great to have something to aspire to. Herewith Merriam-Webster's online definition of corrupt (adj.):
Main Entry: 2corrupt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin corruptus
1 a : morally degenerate and perverted : DEPRAVED b : characterized by improper conduct (as bribery or the selling of favors) [corrupt judges]
3 : adulterated or debased by change from an original or correct condition [a corrupt version of the text]
synonym see VICIOUS
- cor·rupt·ly/-'r&p(t)-lE/ adverb
- cor·rupt·ness/-'r&p(t)-n&s/ noun
Tell you what. This is the Jurisdynamics Network, technological playground of webmaster extraordinaire, Gil Grantmore. We'll put the question to a poll.
I've listed six activities in the poll at right. The first option is what Brian Leiter calls "Sextonism." The second is what the Chapman University School of Law has been caught doing. The third is my admittedly obnoxious characterization of some of the anti-Chapman reaction. The fourth, fifth, and sixth options are there for readers to point fingers at themselves, other readers, or legal academia more generally.
There it is. Polls will stay open throughout the weekend. Remember: it's one person, one vote, or at least one IP address, one vote. Gil Grantmore's polling technology is unscientific, but not corrupt.