(I found this quiz at WebMD-LawSchool.com and am passing it along.)
It's the beginning of the year and time to take an inventory of your law school's health. Give your school a "5" if the description is dead on and a "0" if it is completely inapplicable.
1. There is a critical mass of faculty for whom the ends nearly always justify the means. The “ends” can be anything from personnel to program decisions.
2. The convenience of faculty is always an important consideration in faculty votes and administrative decision making, sometimes to the detriment of stakeholders (students, donors and taxpayers).
3. It is difficult to discontinue or even to objectively evaluate existing programs without it becoming "personal."
4. There is a great deal of gossip. It comes to you even if you are not a “carrier.”
5. There is a solid core of “Making Nice, Knowing Better, Doing Nothing” people. These are the colleagues who express the right ideas – when they express at all – but are AWOL when critical decision points arise that could send the school in a more positive direction.
6. Your administration, when it is internally active at all, is principally concerned with putting out fires but only those that threaten the administration itself.
7. There are few if any norms about making up missed classes, rigor in the classroom, publication goals, testing practices, availability to students, etc.
8. Your dean would rather delay a hard decision or pass it onto the faculty knowing that that the School will suffer as a result. See Chen, Three Deans.
9. Tenured faculty frequently discuss controversial questions with untenured faculty and while doing so make clear their own opinions and what their expectations are.
10. Faculty tend to teach the same courses from the same books for years, maybe careers.
Add up your score and please fill in the poll found below:
40-50 points. Go to the Law School ER immediately. Not for your school. It left the world of the living some time ago. You, however, have a pulse. Save yourself by writing and teaching your very best and finding a hobby.
30-39 points. Your School is in critical condition but there is a chance of survival. It will be very tricky. Retirements, hiring stealth candidates, and a courageous dean are needed. Guerilla action maybe in order.
20-29 points. You have an elevated risk of law school death but it can be controlled by diet and exercise. Do not let the opportunity slip away.
10-19 points. Enjoy your law school’s good health.
0-9 points. See a physician immediately. You are delusional.
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