A shocking percentage [of "people with pure elite credentials (Harvard, Harvard; Princeton, Harvard; Stanford, Harvard, etc.)"] seem to know very little except their narrow academic interest.Interesting. This Jeff Harrison snippet does two things. First, it takes a swipe at "pure elite credentials." That's a standard MoneyLaw move. There's nothing inherently wrong with, say, a Princeton/Yale combination. What MoneyLaw decries is reliance on this pair of credentials for evaluating anyone once publications (or their absence) enter the picture.
The Harrison snippet's second move is much more interesting. It expresses an underlying assumption that "knowing very little except [one's] narrow academic interest" should be regarded as a negative trait.
To the extent that we encounter narrowly focused, intellectually drab double-elites, it is an indictment of these individuals' alma maters. Elite universities and law schools purport to value intellectual breadth in admissions. Perhaps their admissions offices merely give lip service to valuing intellectual breadth as part of a thorough, holistic evaluation of individual applications, only to fall back on strict formulas heavily weighted toward grade point averages and standardized test scores. I wouldn't know; I've never worked at a truly elite university, and I'll never know why, for instance, I was admitted to Harvard Law School but not Cornell. I do remember seeing -- and believing -- statements on various college and law school admission forms. Presumably elite universities still say that they seek students with broad interests.
But the admissions practices of elite universities are beside the point. The MoneyLaw ethos gives elite credentials such weight as they warrant, and not one ounce more. Individual intellects are the real prizes at stake, and it is hard to imagine why a law school would favor someone with a dull, narrow intellect (albeit one focused like a laser on a single subject of legal interest) over someone capable of traversing the complete range of human experience and imagination.