Digg.com helps to Publicize Ed’s $1,000,000 Offer!

As you all may or may not be aware ShowEdTheLaw.com was born just a week ago, with the sole purpose to bring attention to the fact that Ed and Elaine Brown are being persecuted for not paying an income tax. Ed and Elaine Browns numerous attempts over many years to get the specific law that obligates them to pay the tax have failed over and over again in the courts.

The simple fact of the matter is that our present legal system has failed this couple, and many other people who are all asking the one simple question, where is the Law?

When Ed raised the stakes to find the law by offering up as reward commercial property he owns with an estimated value of 1.2 million dollars. The online community picked up on it very rapidly, a member at Digg.com initialized the first digg and the story was launched into a hyper-frenzied state of internet popularity! Overnight website traffic went from 469 unique visitors on Wednesday to 21,853 unique visitors on Thursday.

Unfortunately there has been a blackout on this story, the main stream media has yet again failed in their public duty to keep the American populace informed on issues of anything containing more substance than the topic of the untimely death of Anna Nicole Smith or Brittany Spears adventures in shaving her head. It truly is a very, very sad state of affairs.

However this is the time when your friendly neighborhood blogger comes into play on his or her online web soapbox, united we will stand and divided we will fall. I don’t know about everyone who is reading this story. How far have you gone into investigating the corporation that you voluntarily give 28% of your life’s energy too? Are you willing to take the red pill, and see just how far down the rabbit hole goes? After doing so, I would encourage you all to scream bloody murder and demand that the federal government show Ed and Elaine Brown the law!

I also regret to inform you, unfortunately no one has yet been able to claim the $1,000,000 commercial property reward by demonstrating that Ed and Elaine Brown have an obligation to contribute to the IRS. However I would love to encourage you to be diligent in your search for the law. So far Ed has received hundreds of emails that purport to show the law, yet all attempts have failed to even come close to obligating them into contributing to the IRS.

If you can show Ed the law, kindly send him an email to Ed@ShowEdTheLaw.com!

If you would like to go to New Hampshire and show Ed and Elaine your support, yet are unable to afford to make the trip, then do the next best thing. Join the Online Revolution. It will be televised!

My sincere thanks goes out to “lolipopfailure” for being the first to digg this site.