The science of yesteryear’s propaganda.

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The science of yesteryear’s propaganda.

Oh wow, this is a fairly interesting piece of shameless propaganda. Here comes Donald Duck prancing along on his merry way, in fact it’s even pay day. Nonchalant and ever so cliché his money begins to burn a whole in his pocket. In comes two visitors poof!, poof!

It’s his conscience one a little devil whom is sneakily associated with the third Reich in the end when his ideology of spend your own money is defeated and he gets launched, and crashes through old western style doors shaped with the swastika insignia.

An ingenious little subliminal hint letting you know that the spendthrift is with “them”, the evil Nazis, of which whom Wall Street was clamoring to fund, before the U.S “heroically” entered in as good guy to save the day. This probably not to long after Charlie Chaplin’s first ever and last words spoke on television I would presume.

Then you have the fatherly, rich wise old uncle scrooge figure telling Donald to save all of his money to give to government on April 15th (ahem a bit of product placement for the IRS). Pay us all your money in exchange for security…… an ingenious bit of fear cloaked in patriotism, with a rich later of propaganda to boot.

”Aye laddie, it’s your dough but it’s your war too, you must save for victory.” The victory tax that never went away, for little did anyone know that perpetual warfare was to follow. Of course scrooge, the “good guy” is cleverly hurtled into the backdrop of an American flag.

“Now what are you going to do, (a close up on Donald’s eye’s with pupils shaped as swastikas) spend for the exit?” Camera zooms in on spendthrift standing by the door shaped in the swastika label. As he casually leans back, like a greedy used car salesman blowing smoke rings in the form of a swastika.

“Or save for tax’s?” this time Donald’s pupils are stars, like on the American flag, and the focus is taken back to Scrooge standing proudly yet firmly with his arms crossed in front of a make shift American flag disguised as the backdrop.”

Just remember every dollar that you spend, that you don’t need, is a dollar spent to help the axis.” This time spendthrift is greedily rubbing his hands, and he has grown a Hitler stache, Donald responds with a quick punch to the face KO! The nazi swinging doors have been crushed reshaped into an underlined V for victory. The crowd goes wild, yet are still un aware of how chalked full of propaganda this little cartoon is.

And that my friends, is just the first two minutes of this genius five minute film. By the way, propaganda has grown to be much more sophisticated than it was back in the day.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a Hitler apologist, as a matter of fact I despise anything Nazi, but the fact of the matter is this, America has become the Nazi Germany of the world today, yet so many of us are too ignorant and dumbed down to understand the implications of that. Check here for some interesting info on some of the funders of Hitler’s Nazi regime.