Jose Gonzalez Stands With His Son!

Jose Gonzalez Stands With His Son!

Casey Lee Cobb | Show Ed The Law | June 15th 2007

Jose Gonzalez, father of Cirino Gonzalez publicly announces to his local news media that he plans to stand by his son’s side. He believes as do we all that the cause is righteous, it appears that he wants to support his son in his patriot efforts in preserving liberty from unjust government tyranny that attempts to enforce laws that do not exist.

If it were not for brave people like Cirino and his father Jose with the physical courage, moral and mental fortitude that it takes to make the stand for what is righteous and just by putting their lives on the line, then the last remnant of remaining hope for restoring liberty would die. If the government chooses to turn these people into martyrs for the cause of truth in taxation, there will be an outcry so large, loud, and persistent that it will reach to the very heavens themselves!

Now is the time folks if you are able, please travel to N.H. and join Ed, Elaine, Reno, Jose, and Randy Weaver among many others in this monumental stand for truth! Remember this is a serious decision to make, if you plan on going down to the home, you must be ready to stand your ground against this government tyranny and corruption. You can be a very important part of history, so if you are both physically and mentally prepared to make the stand, now is the time!