Browns' bash draws about 200

PLAINFIELD – An estimated 200 people turned out for the "Live Free or Die Concert" at the Plainfield home of convicted tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown yesterday. As of early evening, police were calling it a peaceful gathering.

About 100 cars lined one side of the Browns' half-mile driveway by early afternoon. Helicopters circled overhead as new arrivals searched for parking.

At least four musical acts -- Poker Face, Blue Eyed Fools, Paperback Radio, Dave von Kliest and Matt Kazee -- were scheduled to perform at the party, which the Browns promoted on their Web site as featuring "food, drinks and fun."

Plainfield police regulating traffic at the top of the driveway said they would tow any vehicles parked on Center of Town Road.

Plainfield Police Chief Gordon Gillens said a traffic counter he installed Friday on the gravel, dead-end road more than a mile from the Browns' property was stolen sometime between 9 p.m. and midnight. READ ON...

I cannot say that this article's estimate of concert goers is accurate; I’ve heard multiple figures estimated. Unfortunately due to the mysterious disappearance of the vehicle counter installed as a courtesy by local law enforcement; we may never truly know the exact number in attendance. However that being said, this piece is much more fair and balanced than the coverage given in the Concord monitor where the author Maddie Hanna; runs around town cherry picking the opinions of people who disapprove of the Browns use of the constitution to bind local law enforcement from carrying out unlawful orders. I must say though, that part of me agrees with Maddie, I mean who do the Browns think they are? Hiding behind the constitution in order to flee from tyranny, they should be subject to the same amount of tyranny as the rest of us............ ; ) - Casey -