The Folklore of Rankings: Games, Morals and the Efforts of Legal Education

AALSThe AALS workshop on law school rankings took place in January 2007, but it's never too late for the Jurisdynamics Network's technology staff to add value to this program and to present it in readily digestible form for the benefit of MoneyLaw's loyal readership.

Network webmaster Gil Grantmore has repackaged The Folklore of Rankings: Games, Morals and the Efforts of Legal Education in a format that enables MoneyLaw's readership to replay the audio archive of the program through a media player embedded within this post.
Richard A. Matasar, New York Law School and Chair, Planning Committee for AALS Annual Meeting Workshop on The Ratings Game

PonderingReport on Interviews
Wendy Espeland, Department of Sociology, Northwestern University
Michael Sauder, Department of Sociology, The University of Iowa

Rankings and Effect on Admissions
Alex M. Johnson, Jr., University of Minnesota

LSAT Gaming
Andrew P. Morriss, Case Western Reserve University

Corrosive Effect on Moral/Core
Toni M. Massaro, The University of Arizona

This Isn’t Going Away
David E. Van Zandt, Northwestern University

Moderator: Richard L. Schmalbeck, Duke University

In this session, speakers will confront the #@%$&**@ U.S. News and World Report rankings system. From sharing the folklore of law school behavior (good and bad), to discussing specific effects on law school admissions practices, to describing the games we sometimes play, to wondering about the effect on our moral leadership, the panel assumes that the rankings are not going away and ponders what to do about it.
Audio archive: