I'm Just Doing My Job
Have you ever heard someone say, I’m just doing my job? When the person says it, they are trying to imply, that what they are doing is justified and they have the authority to do what ever it is, they are doing. The problem is today the employees of the government and corporate sectors, of our beloved country, say those words many times, when they have neither the authority nor the justification to do what ever it is they are doing.
Let me explain, with some examples, I heard a girl on Alex Jones explain how a NYPD Officer grabbed her camera from her last week because she was filming. On August 3rd Bloomberg made a permit required to film in the city, all in violation of the first amendment. So this girl loses her camera and the cop said the magic words “I’m just doing my job”. Saying this, the cop makes himself feel like what he is doing is alright, but while in the back of his head, he knows it is wrong. It also gives the impression of authority and justification, as mentioned above, to the victim.
My personal experience with this is with the UNITED STATE MARSHALS interrogator, who went by the name of James. He confessed to me in the back of the black SUV, while I was chains and handcuffs, that there is no law for income tax. I said how the heck can you arrest the guy then? You just confessed, you know he broke no laws. We were speaking of Ed Brown of course. He replied “I’m just doing my job”. I felt like throwing up. I could never justify acting on behalf of a lie. I was not raised like that, never have and never will. I would quit like Joe Bannister did or like Sherry Jackson did at the IRS. They could not live the lie. I guess, either you have the love of truth or you do not.
I bet just about every American adult, at one time or another, has heard a public servant say that. As the NWO pushes the police state harder and harder on the people, we are probably going to hear those famous words more and more. With all the evidence of voter fraud and vote count manipulation how can the boss get their public servants back in order, when our only reliable means of doing that is a scam. The courts are so far gone with its interpretation of the laws that we shouldn’t even call them laws, call them what they are Corporate Policy, Who knows what word means what, with their phony rulings and twisting of their meanings. The Corporate Policy is written with wanton confusion to get around the Constitution. The Major Press, all of it, is a joke.
What are we left with except the cartridge box?. The Americans People’s hand seems to be forced on them. The international banker’s NWO is backing, or should I say, has backed us into a corner. Anything living in nature, once backed against the wall will fight, knowing injury or even possible death could occur. The Founding Fathers knew this could occur and gave the people their beloved second amendment allowing the forming up of militias to protect their liberties. This Check, in a system of check and balances, was to be used after a long train of usurpations against the Peoples Inherent Rights. The American People need to wake up and face the facts, the time has come to stand up and be counted. If one more American is harmed in anyway with your phony income tax or your phony gun control or your phony freedom of speech laws, you will be dealing with all the American People.
The People will form up Committees to deal with these unlawful people “just doing their jobs”. The Committees will issue arrest warrants to be carried out by the militia. In 1777 at the Battle of Saratoga it was 7,000 British against 10,000 Americans ( 85% continentals, 15% militia) on the first battle on September 19. On October 7, the second battle, American forces had swelled to 20,000 just by the militia being called in by the local Committees sending orders to their communities to get your rifle and get to Saratoga, fall in when you get their. I’m afraid something like this needs to be done, like yesterday. The militia should be forming and the committee members should be being elected by militia members. By the way the militia is every able bodied male from 17 to 45 according to 10 USC 311. But some founding documents state its every person except for our public servants. If our public servants go in, and harm Ed and Elaine, the militia must be, have to be, called out. Not only is it the law, it is every truth loving American Patriot’s duty, it’s our heritage, and it’s our legacy the founding fathers left us. Just think of the day when we take our freedoms back, restored to the way nature and the Founding Fathers intended. Think of when you are dragging that unlawful public servant off to a POW camp and he says “what are you doing, this isn’t right” you can just reply “I’m just doing my job”, according to the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
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