McCain Loses It and Flees After 9/11 Truth Questions

McCain Loses It and Flees
After 9/11 Truth Questions

John Paul Harkins | News | July 18th 2007

John McCain appeared at the American Legion in Claremont, New Hampshire early Saturday morning, July 14th. As he greeted campaign staff and took questions from reporters, he was confronted by who asked him about his connections with Ed Failor. McCain confirmed that he knew Failor and that Failor had been working in some capacity for his presidential campaign. Ed Failor was the head of Iowa Tax Alliance who co-hosted the last televised presidential forum, an event that congressman man Ron Paul was not invited to participate in.

Senator McCain was also asked if he supported a new investigation into the 9-11 attacks and why he had been seen taking pictures with 9-11 truth activists. McCain seemed to be confused about this, as he was with every issue we put to him. Matt asked him if he was under some sort of mind control jokingly, but you never know.

Another member of WeAreChange asked if McCain's office could provide the law requiring citizens to file an income tax return to the residence of Ed and Elaine (family or clan of Brown) in an effort to avoid any confrontation with federal authorities. McCain gave the canned answer that the courts had ruled on this. When McCain was asked about the draft he seemed to think that a draft of Americans would not take place despite his support of compulsory service historically.

Campaign staff tried to push us away outside and some tried to block the camera with signs. Members of the McCain campaign did speak with WeAreChange later calmly and asked if we had confronted Giuliani or other candidates. We told them we confront everyone, every time we can.