30 to 40 rounds fired behind the house noise heard in the woods every one is at battle stations this in not a drill i repeat this in not a drill.



Plainfield Police: 603-643-2222

Sullivan County Sheriff: 603-863-4200

  • WMUR News is not going to cover this story, because the Police are Stonewalling and will not confirm the reports of Gunfire. Call them up and demand that they cover this issue! 1-800-257-5151

  • Federal Agents have been physically shaking the Trailer of one of Ed’s supporters in order to attempt to provocateur return fire from the Brown’s supporters to be used as a pretext to use force.

Ed & Elaine Brown
401 Center of Town Road
Plainfield, New Hampshire 03781

Get to the Browns house now!

If you are unable, use this list below, call them and dont stop calling!

Please flood the phones and do not stop till good things start to happen.

1: Sullivan County, NH (Plainfield is located here) Sheriff Michael Prozzo -- 603-863-4200

Please call the sheriff's office and urge him to act under his authority as the supreme law enforcement official in Sullivan County. He is the only elected law enforcement "official" and has the authority to tell the feds to back off. But so far he hasn't done anything but hide from this whole matter. Urge him to do something RIGHT NOW!!!

2: New Hampshire State Governor John Lynch -- 603-271-2121

Please call Gov. Lynch's office right now! They will likely try to skirt the issue and tell you to call the U.S. Marshall's office. Don't let them off the hook! Tell them that the GOVERNOR is supposed to have the authority over New Hampshire -- not the feds!!! Ed does not live on federal land! Ed is not under federal jurisdiction! Plainfield isn't on federal land, the county isn't, and the state isn't. The feds have no business there. The governor could act to stop it and keep the feds out. As with the sheriff, so far he has not!!! Call and tell them HE ABSOLUTELY MUST EXERCISE HIS AUTHORITY AND STOP THE FEDS.

3: The U.S. Marshall's office: 603-225-1632

Please call and tell them they have no authority, no business, and should immediately stop the violent actions they are taking against the Browns. They will likely ask for your name and number -- that's what they asked from me -- you can give it to them if you'd like, or not if you don't want to -- but don't be scared of these guys. Get your message that this should be resolved without the continued use of violence and the threat of violence. Tell them we are watching!


Sullivan County Sheriff's Office
14 Main St.
P.O. Box 27
Newport, NH 03773
PH 603.863.4200
FAX 603.863.0012

Representative Matthew S. Houde
Home Address:
Matthew S. Houde
P.O. Box 66
Meriden, NH 03770-0066
Phone: (603)504-2744
Business Address:
Vermont Law School
Chelsea St., PO Box 96
S. Royalton, VT 05068
Phone: (802)831-1241

Representative Carla M. Skinder
Carla M. Skinder
465 East Road
Cornish, NH 03745-4433
Phone: (603)542-6065
Phone: (603)543-6895
FAX: (603)863-8383

Senator Peter Hoe Burling
Senate Office:
107 N. Main St., Room 105
Concord, N.H. 03301
(603) 271-2642
20 Lang Road
Cornish, N.H. 03745-4209
(603) 675-6255

Governor Lynch
Office of the Governor
State House
25 Capitol Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603)271-7680 (fax)