Having shared official prose that I have written as the dean at Louisville Law, I figured I might as well make it a regular habit. MoneyLaw will host items I write in my official capacity as dean, as well as occasional pieces that draw upon my experiences at the University of Louisville. After all, if MoneyLaw's readership can put up with posts such as Comfortably Metrotextual, Crossing the River, and Common Wealth, in some cases weeks after these items' initial publication in our local bar association's monthly newspaper, then surely it will tolerate posts written specifically for an online audience.
It is a true joy to work at a law school that is backed by an entire university community. This claim embraces the entirety of the university experience, and not simply the fragments that are most readily imagined as partners for interdisciplinary work affecting law. Certain things -- athletics, performing arts, campus life -- enhance professional education in ways that law professors too often tend to forget.
The MoneyLaw point is simple: Why would any division of a university, especially one whose "product" is as esoteric as that of a law school, ever dream of isolating itself from its fellow colleges and departments? The School of Music, Cardinal Athletics, and the UofL's Department of Theatre Arts all do something that law schools rarely if ever do: They perform. Their work touches the broader public, in some cases so deeply that artistic and athletic performances are what members of our Commonwealth understand to be the University of Louisville.
Finally, this much bears remembering. Rarely if ever can a single department or college approach the accomplishments of an entire university. Superlative performances -- in the arts, in athletics, and in every academic endeavor -- lift all of us. The School of Music's triumph this evening casts a warm glow over the law school and every other corner here at the University of Louisville. Quite simply, and quite humbly, the Cardinal Nation thanks you.
Michael Tunnell plays