Second Life FAR forms

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Law school recruiting season is upon us. A new crop of supplicants sends FAR forms to law schools across America.

Why should applicants be the only people who have fun with the Faculty Appointments Register? A blend of the FAR form with Second Life creates a fun parlor game for incumbent law professors.

Second Life avatarImagine yourself transformed into an aspiring law school professor. You've been stripped of your current position, every entry on your curriculum vitae, everything. Now, fill in an FAR form as though you were building your Second Life avatar. If you were headed to this fall's AALS faculty recruitment conference as a jobseeker, who would you be?

Here's my Second Life FAR form. Post yours in the comments, or send it via Jurisdynamics Network webmail.

Gil Grantmore's FAR formGrantmoreName: Gil Grantmore.

Education: Georgia Institute of Technology: B.S. civil engineering, 1987. Yoknapatawpha State University: M.A. linguistics, 2001; J.D., 2004.

Work experience: Natchez Trace Engineering, Inc., engineer, 1987-97. Yoknapatawpha County Board of Education, teacher (mathematics, physics), 1997-99. Faulkner & Welty, P.C., attorney, 2004-present. You may contact all employers, past and present.

Courses you would most like to teach: Remedies, legislation/statutory interpretation, tax, quantitative methods for lawyers, regulated industries.

Additional courses you would be willing to teach: Anything the law school needs, including legal writing and basic legal skills.

Publications and works in progress: Financing Infrastructure (Yoknapatawpha State University Press, forthcoming); Power Laws and the Laws of Power (available on SSRN); Transformative Jurisprudence: The Deep Structure of Statutory Syntax (available on SSRN).

Hire me!Why you should hire me: I will teach your students the basic tools of their future trade: language, legal analysis, numeracy. I am both a practicing attorney and a published legal scholar. Whether in the classroom, in the faculty lounge, or in my own office, I am intellectually alive and generous with my time, to students and colleagues alike. I will strive to contribute to the law school community and to the profession at large.