Can I tie it altogether in a blog length post? Not a chance, (I thought about graphing it all on a three dimensional graph but if you leaned too close to the monitor it could hit you in the eye.) but here is where it ends up. As a totally amateur sociologist I sense that most hiring committees feel comfortable with candidates in the following order:
1. White elitist educated male
2. White elitist educated female
3. African American elitist educated male
4. African American elitist educated female
5. White non elite female.
6. White non elite female.
7. Non elite African American female
8. Non elite African American male.
First note that elite always trumps non elite. Second, it is at least arguable that this is in reverse order of diversity. Third, there appears to be no correlation, for the mid level school, between credentials and scholarship.
So what is it about? It's just plain ol American history. Elitist dominated Committees like the 1s and 2s because they have more in common with those folks and they will try to find room for them on a faculty.
Now we get down to 5-8 and Howard Zinn. You know the story -- whether the American Revolution, the Civil War or Vietnam-- the elites take care of their own and they use the non elites to get there whether it means using them to fight their battles or pitting them against each other.
Is law school hiring an example of Zinn's version of history playing out in a different and, thankfully, far less tragic context. Why wouldn't it be?