Open letter regarding University of Louisville | Law, the alumni magazine

Magazine coverAs an extension of my earlier post regarding University of Louisville | Law, my law school's alumni magazine, I am reprinting the relevant portions of a message that I have sent to fellow law school deans and professors across the country.

Dear fellow law school deans and professors:

I am exceptionally pleased to announce the publication of University of Louisville | Law, the magazine for alumni, students, and friends of the University of Louisville School of Law. University of Louisville | Law aspires to be a magazine that befits a forward-looking law school that advances its university's metropolitan research mission, enriches the professional lives of its graduates, and serves the larger community that sustains it.

You may have noticed that you have not received this magazine or, for that matter, any other printed matter promoting our law school during what our profession has come to recognize as the season preceding the U.S. News & World Report survey. I very much hope that those of you who are USN&WR voters will give the University of Louisville a favorable evaluation. That said, I believe that the mass-mailing of promotional literature is not the most cost-effective way of informing you of recent developments at Louisville. So that the University of Louisville might commit more of its resources toward scholarships and educational programming, I invite you to download an electronic copy of University of Louisville | Law. If you wish to have your own hard copy of our magazine, please e-mail Louisville Law's communications director, Beth Haendiges. . . .

I wish all of you every success during the academic year.

Jim Chen
Dean and Professor of Law