Download The Audio Interview
Hat Tip to Bill Riley via DJR Legal Defense Blog for the Audio Link.
Political Prisoner Danny Riley Speaks
Out Via Recorded Phone Conversation.
Casey Lee Cobb | Show The Law | October 22nd 2007
Hat Tip to Bill Riley via DJR Legal Defense Blog for the Audio Link.
Political Prisoner Danny Riley Speaks
Out Via Recorded Phone Conversation.
Casey Lee Cobb | Show The Law | October 22nd 2007
Danny Riley is a True Patriot, he has my highest respects and should have yours as well. Please do everything in your power to assist him during these trying times. Riley stood for our constitution, and for this, he is now being jailed for no reason whatsoever.
Remember this all started with a simple question, it could have ended with a simple answer. However it's not very simple to explain to a nation that it has been robbed, people have been killed, and people have commited suicide, over a monumental fraud.
Their is no law that makes the avarage American liable for an income tax. The fraud has resulted in innnocent people being murdered, lives have been ruined, people jailed for no reason, and people have commited suicide. Were not going away, we want answers, we will get answers!
Visit: Daniel J. Riley Legal Defense be a patriot and make a $100.00 donation, the future of this country is on the line.
If we can't support our fellow brethren, who have been willing to risk their very own freedom in order to get answers. Then to be quite frank we will fail, and we will have no one to blame for said failure but ourselves. Let you're conscience be your guide.