Click here for Part 2 of the press conference held on 6-18-07
Hat Tip to Terry Melton for the Press Conference Footage.
Union Leader & Concord Monitor;
Sold Out Your Country.
Casey Lee Cobb | Show The Law | October 9th 2007
In a press conference that hit the national media: Ed and Elaine Brown reveal that there is no law that makes the average American liable for an income tax. A public challenge was made available on the many websites in support of the Browns. The offer was simple find the law that makes them liable, and collect the $1,000,000.00 reward that the Browns were offering as a finder’s fee.
No one claimed the $1,000,000.00 reward, proving conclusively without a shadow of a doubt that there is no law that makes the average American liable for an income tax. The mainstream media including but not limited to the New Hampshire Concord Monitor, and Union Leader failed miserably in their meek attempts and pseudo-investigative journalism.
With an outstanding million dollar reward, the story over the past several months should not have been about a potentially violent standoff, but rather more focused on the fact that the reward was not being claimed. If there was a law, it would have been very simple for a member of the media, or a U.S. Marshal to personally enrich themselves and end this conflict without any risks whatsoever.
Where was the real story during this standoff, was it at the Browns home in New Hampshire, or was it at the IRS office building, the organization whom will not show the law, that they are unlawfully having the lower courts enforce, those very same lower courts that do not adhere to the countless supreme court decisions. This is why we have the new media, in order that we may combat the disinformation and meaninglessly sensationalized articles brought to us by the news media.
Where the news media fails bloggers will succeed, the fact is out now, there is no law that makes you liable for an income tax. This is the dirty secret behind this whole story, this is the secret they do not want you to know, this is the secret that the mainstream news media will not report on.
Our government expects us to comply to the will of the IRS, and not the letter of the law. The letter of the law is meaningless, the government is rogue operating only by force, coercion, fraud, you name it, when they will not publicly provide the law that makes the average American liable for an income tax, in order to resolve a matter simply and most effectively, and would rather spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in a very complex standoff that could have simply been avoided by showing the law. Then we know, again this is beyond a shadow of a doubt, we know that we have been had.
I’m sincerely, thoroughly, and totally, disgusted with the fact that the Concord Monitor, and Union Leader have failed so miserably, and dropped the ball on this key fact. Only once did I see it, that it was reported that a high level official evaded that question. Only once, and this was in a hit piece that was clearly biased against the Browns. it’s a sad day in America when even the local news outlets are willing to sell out their own country.
Our film maker of the upcoming "Ed and Elaine Brown Story" Terry Melton, is struggling financially at the moment and is in the process of looking for regular employment. In the meantime, if you could help him out with a donation to help him pay his rent & bills for October, any contribution would be appreciated. This assistance is needed IMMEDIATELY, however. Please send whatever you can, $10, $25, or (or whatever you can afford, in a check made out to his address is below:
Terry Melton
9807 North FM 620 #20202
Austin, Texas 78726
Many thanks to you!