Massachusetts Appellate Cases of Last Twenty Years Now Free Online

The Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries blog, Massachusetts Law Updates, reported here today that the Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries now provide online, for free to all, each and every Massachusetts appellate case, from 1986-1996, here at, in supplement to the effort of Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, which already provides all Massachusetts appellate cases from 1997 to date (also free to all) on its website here. As a result, now all of the past twenty years of Massachusetts appellate cases, both Court of Appeals and Supreme Judicial Court opinions, are easily accessible for free to all online at these two websites.

"Late last summer, we surveyed our users to find out what legal information you would find most useful online. Over 68% of you wanted Massachusetts cases from the past 20 years. Cases from 1997 to date are already available on the web from Lawyers' Weekly, so over the past five months, the seventeen Trial Court Law Libraries have worked together to prepare a group of older Mass. cases to mount on the web. We are pleased to announce the availability of all Supreme Judicial Court and Mass. Appeals Court cases from 1986-1996 at Cases are accessible by citation, case name, or through a Google custom search on the site. The collection also includes hundreds of the most-cited older Mass. cases...."

For information about Massachusetts divorce and family law, see Law Offices of Steven Ballard.