Who: Danny Riley, Cirino Gonzalez, Jason Gerhardt, Bob Wolfe
What: Historical Trial of the Freedom-Four Patriots.
When: Monday January 28th.
Where: Federal Court House in Concord, New Hampshire
Why: To show your support, bear witness, and ensure a fair trial.
If you are reading this now and have the ways and means in order to attend this monumental fight against tyranny, you are officially charged with the responsibility to attend this historical event. These men stood face to face with the lawless thugs who terrorize this country, the very least you can do is show your support and stand with them on January 28th 2008, let this day and the days that follow that determine the fate of these brave souls be a victorious and triumphant moment where the will of the people will prevail! In the spirit of people like Aaron Russo, and Dr. Ron Paul we shall stand up in unity against all odds, and proclaim what we know to be righteous and true.