The full story in brief: Garrison was appointed WVU's president in April 2007 over the strenuous objections of that university's faculty, which cast a vote of no confidence even before he had been chosen. To his office, Garrison brought an impressive arsenal of political connections, but no academic experience. He has spent roughly half his tenure battling a scandal that arose because neither he nor his subordinates could answer a straightforward question: Did Heather Bresch, chief operating officer of the pharmaceutical firm Mylan, Inc., earn an executive MBA from WVU? The answer, as an investigation by WVU ultimately concluded, was no
The body count so far: West Virginia University has lost its president, its provost, and the dean of its business school. Adhering to the instinct that the most straightforward version of a story probably lies closest to the truth, I regard the whole episode as a painful but ultimately triumphant vindication of academic virtue over the politics of corruption and the culture of complacency.
That said, given this forum's explicit embrace of youth in academic administration — Michael Garrison will have been appointed to and ousted from the presidency of his alma mater before the age of 40 — and this forum's willingness to contemplate university administrators whose greatest accomplishments lie outside the academic realm, the Garrison fiasco warrants a brief moment of contemplation.
The larger lesson is this: The list of qualities needed in academic administration includes not only talent — whether that talent is defined in academic or in entrepreneurial terms — but also character. Now abide these three: academic achievement, business acumen, and character. And the greatest of these is character.
West Virginia, so the balladeer tells us, is almost heaven. West Virginia University, in recent memory, has felt at best as though it were almost purgatory. A reading from W.S. Merwin's translation of Dante's Purgatorio seems in order: