Lindsay Lohan went to Paris nightclub

Lindsay Lohan went to Rasputin club in France and she wore red dress. The paparazzi tried to take pictures of her.


The Least Ethical?

In what my wife calls my not real world life I typically come into contact with attorneys, law professors, students, and expert witnesses. Within each group I observe a great range of ethical standards although the pressures are always downward. Nevertheless like four racehorses, I think of the groups as racing to the bottom. In terms of shameless lying, expert witnesses are still in the lead. Have you ever compared what some law professor experts write and then the positions they take for money? And then there is the sad story of Robert Lucas -- Nobel Prize winner -- getting clobbered for his expert opinions.

The latest Law School cheating news -- Illinois -- makes me reconsider the ranking. Is it possible law faculties (including deans) have overtaken expert witnesses? I'd be inclined to give Illinois a break since the differences are small. If you are going to lie, why not go big time? On the other hand, just like getting the wrong change back in some foreign countries, the errors always seem to cut in one direction. These "mistakes" at the margin may affect the investment decisions of thousands of law students. Is there a remedy for them?

Still out there is the ethical question I asked about six weeks ago. One school lies. The other school spends thousands hiring its own students or recruiting transfer students or teaching new bar exam courses so it can "honestly" report its new numbers. But for the rankings, it would not have done any of this. Is redirecting resources in this way any worse than lying?

Destination Divorce

We have long had destination weddings.  Why not destination divorce?  Zagat has published a guide to the best restaurants for dumping your mate, as I have reported here two years ago.  There are already restaurants you can visit to dine and dump your spouse, so why can't there be destination resorts or hotels where you can go to make that dumping official?

It's not so easy just to head to the beach, or somewhere exotic, to get an actual legal divorce, you say? Well, not only are some enterprising travel businesses trying to sell the idea of divorce vacations, in Mexico and elsewhere, but there is now even, in the Netherlands, what is called the Divorce Hotel (Hotelscheiden). If you are Dutch, you can actually show up at a five-star hotel for about three days with your spouse and mediate your divorce settlement, spending potentially far less time and money on the trip and the luxurious hotel accommodations than you might otherwise have spent on legal fees back home.

Or so they say.  So far, the new idea has only had a small number of takers, and it is of course only available to Dutch citizens.  Take a look at the Divorce Hotel's website and video.

For information about Massachusetts divorce and family law, see the divorce and family law page of my law firm website.

Lindsay Lohans wants to write her autobiography

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Lindsay Lohan wants to earn money by talking about her life in a book.

A close friend tells Now: ‘It'll be a no-holds-barred account of her drink and drug scandals, her relationship with Sam Ronson, partying with Paris Hilton and Britney Spears - and her secret affairs with Hollywood hunks.'


Alimony Reform Bill Signed Into Law

It's official!  Around 4 PM yesterday, Governor Deval Patrick signed into law the alimony reform bill.  (See my discussion of this in my last post where I link to previous blogs on alimony reform).  The new law goes into effect March 1, 2012.  Go ahead and peruse the complete text of the new law, or check out the well-written summary of the new law provided by Francine Gardikas of Burns & Levinson at their law firm's family law blog, Massachusetts Divorce Law Monitor.

For information about Massachusetts divorce and family law, see the divorce and family law page of my law firm website.

Lindsay Lohan hold hands with designer Philip Plein

Lindsay Lohan was spotted holding hands with designer Philip Plein. Are they dating? But then Lindsay always flirting around.

What Plein has to say about Lindsay? H'e said 'For me she’s authentic, she’s talented, she’s beautiful.'


Jerry Brown Signs Sales Tax Law Compromise

California governor Jerry Brown signed into law a compromise of the standoff between the state and over collection of sales tax.

Gov. Jerry Brown signs Amazon sales tax collection law, Los Angeles Times, September 23, 2011

See also Businesses continue to flee state

Sweeping Massachusetts Alimony Reform Bill Now Awaits Governor's Signature

At long last, a sweeping alimony reform bill, passed by both houses of the Massachusetts state legislature, has been sent to the Governor's Desk, it was reported on Monday. Governor Patrick has 10 days to sign it, and there is nobody saying that he won't. In fact, I just heard from a reliable source that the Governor will sign it on this coming Monday.

What started long ago as an impassioned struggle has in recent years gathered strength as Massachusetts Alimony Reform, a new organization directed by Steve Hitner, came into being. The Massachusetts Alimony Reform organization came onto the scene with a tenacity, dedication, and persuasiveness that caused many, including opinion makers in the media and in politics, to wake up and pay attention.

A House bill which called for real reform was countered by a Senate bill that was, by contrast, a slight tinkering with the law that would not really have changed or helped much. Fortunately, as support for real reform continued to grow, and political support became apparent, it came to pass that legislators, lawyers, and bar associations all moved in the direction of supporting real reform. Now, with the passage of the final version of the legislation by both houses, real reform has prevailed; in other words, the final version is much closer to the original House bill than to the Senate bill, and it will bring about very substantial, extensive reform. Thus an alimony reform movement which once had only limited vocal support from a handful of family law litigants, legislators and attorneys, eventually gained very broad support - indeed support of seemingly everyone, including many lawyers and bar associations that had previously ignored, dismissed, minimized, or opposed any serious alimony reform efforts.

With the passage of this alimony reform legislation, we will see the law of alimony in Massachusetts at last reflect the social and economic realities of our time. I expect alimony determinations to be much more sensible and predictable, and much fairer as a result, as previously lengthy or even lifelong awards of alimony, many of which were out of all proportion to the length of the preceding marriages or the equities of their respective cases, will become a thing of the past. Although I have a few reservations about one or two provisions of the bill, overall I am very pleased with the legislation and I have no doubt the new law will be a huge improvement over the current law.

I will have more thoughts to express soon. Meanwhile we all await the official word that the Governor has signed this bill. For a brief description of the bill, see Alimony Reform Heads to Governor's Desk, Monday's Boston Business Journal article on this.

Previous Posts on Massachusetts Alimony Reform:


For information about Massachusetts divorce and family law, see the divorce and family law page of my law firm website.

Lindsay Lohan crashed boyfriend's party

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Lindsay Lohan crashed her latest boyfriend's party, so that she can confront his ex wife.

A source who witnessed the incident told the New York Post newspaper: "Lindsay found out Vikram was hosting a dinner at the Dream, and turned up with a friend at the hotel's Electric Room, waiting for him. That's when the trouble started. Priya was very dignified, but Lindsay was so rude. She acted as if she'd had no idea Vikram was married, and tried to make it clear that Vikram was her friend. Others had to step in to calm things down."


Lindsay Lohan ignores her community service

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Looks like Lindsay Lohan has been ignoring her community service which suppose to be 480 hours. Instead, she went to New York fashion week and Milan to shoot an ad campaign


How Not To Serve Court Papers (especially on a Red Sox pitcher)

From The Docket, the Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly blog, David Frank brings us this interesting story behind the Red Sox loss yesterday to the Orioles:   a civil process server showed up at Fenway Park and served child support papers on Red Sox starting pitcher Erik Bedard a few hours before the pitcher was scheduled to take the mound.  

Don't the Red Sox have enough problems right now?  And get this - to add insult to injury, the process server was wearing a Yankees shirt!

For information about Massachusetts divorce and family law, see the divorce and family law page of my law firm website.

Sham Marriage Scheme Busted in Vermont

Many sham marriages - fraudulent marriages which often lead to residency and ultimately citizenship benefits for immigrants - go undetected each year by the United States government.   But sometimes sham marriage immigration schemes are uncovered, as in this recent example from Vermont, as reported in the Boston Globe, A Marriage of a Dream and a Scheme, in which case illegal immigrants (mostly, if not all, from Brazil) paid Americans to marry them to get legal residency status.  According to the article, Maria-Helena Knoller, a Holyoke woman and  Brazilian immigrant responsible for the scheme, was recently prosecuted and convicted for marriage fraud and concealing and shielding illegal immigrants in the case of 32 sham marriages, and is now out free on a $100,000 bond and working in a Chicopee Donut shop while awaiting sentencing.  22 of those 32 sham marriages occurred in Brattleboro, Vermont, and half of these 32 sham marriages have already ended in divorce here in Massachusetts.   Apparently, the scheme seemed to begin and end in Massachusetts, although many of these participants were led across the Vermont border to Brattleboro for their nuptials. (There were seven other additional sham marriages revealed, but Knoller was not prosecuted for those.)

Knoller, it turned out, was a matchmaker of a special kind. For fees as high as $12,000, she would pair illegal immigrants from Brazil with Americans, arrange their marriages - and, in some cases, their subsequent divorces - after they received status as “lawful permanent residents’’ of the United States.
She pleaded guilty in February to federal charges of marriage fraud and concealing and shielding illegal immigrants for 32 of those marriages. But her prosecution is an exception, and Knoller’s case is a vivid example of how easy it is for illegal immigrants to dodge US immigration laws by getting married.
The US government estimates that of the 200,000 marriages that result in temporary or illegal immigrants receiving green cards each year, up to 30 percent are shams. And yet, while billions of federal dollars are devoted to protecting borders, enforcement efforts aimed at immigration fraud are hobbled by sparse budgets and understaffed agencies that, according to government auditors, allow an estimated 60,000 sham marriages a year to evade detection.
“The process of weeding out the fraudulent [marriages] - those arranged solely to obtain … a work permit and green card - is nearly impossible,’’ said David Seminara, a former US consular officer who wrote a 2008 study that faulted the process of identifying fraud in immigration petitions filed domestically and overseas. “Even when documentation is asked for, to show that the couple is living together, it’s easily doctored. There’s just too many applications and too few immigration officers handling these cases.’’
Taking her clients to Vermont for their nuptials made Knoller’s scam easier. Vermont does not require waiting periods or proof of identity to obtain a marriage license. While some of the 32 marriages for which Knoller was prosecuted were licensed in Connecticut and Massachusetts, 22 occurred in Brattleboro. Massachusetts, and every other state bordering Vermont, requires proof of identity.
For information about Massachusetts divorce and family law, see the divorce and family law page of my law firm website.

Lindsay Lohan is new face for Philipp Plein's campaign

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Lindsay Lohan will be the new face for Philipp Plein’s new spring 2012 campaign. He is a young German designer.


Lindsay 'Lohan and mother kissing

A photo was revealed showing Lindsay Lohan and her mother, Dina kissing. This happened on Dina's 49th birthday party in New York.

An insider said, "Both Dina and Lindsay were completely and utterly wasted. Dina was even more trashed than her daughter."


A Couple More Massachusetts Blogs for Your Blogroll

In the nearly two years I have been absent from the blogosphere (from November of 2009 until today), I have noticed a number of good Massachusetts legal blogs that either weren't around before, or just hadn't caught my attention yet. There are in particular two I would suggest that you check out, and add to your blogroll as well:

1) Scaling the Summit: A Family Law Blog. This blog is primarily the work of Justin Kelsey and his associate Jonathan Eaton and is published by their law firm, Kelsey & Trask in Framingham. Much thought and analysis has gone into this blog, and there is very helpful information about recent, and pending, legislation in the area of alimony reform (which is about to become law at last) and proposed custody law reform.

2) Massachusetts Elder Law Blog. This is an excellent blog I have recently enjoyed reading by elder law attorney Sasha Golden of the Golden Law Center, a practice devoted to elder law and disability planning in Needham.

For information about Massachusetts divorce and family law, see the divorce and family law page of my law firm website.

Reduced Office Hours in Family Court

As a result of state budget cuts that have led to a reduction in staff in the court system, which is suffering from "case backlogs and staff shortages," many of the Massachusetts state courts (38 of them, to be exact, including all of the Probate and Family Courts) have reduced their public office hours. All the family courts will now have registry and phone coverage restricted after 3 PM on Monday through Friday. (However, apparently the Springfield family court will continue to stay open until 4:30, as Hampden County Register Thomas Moriarty has vowed to do so because he does not want to "deny our most important stakeholders, the taxpaying public, access to justice.")

Court sessions will continue as before, beginning at 8:30, and the only thing that will change will be the public office hours and phone coverage in the registry offices. So if you have business you need to transact with the family court registry in your county, make sure you get to the courthouse and to the registry's office, or make your phone calls, well before 3 PM. This change has been reported to be aimed at giving a shrunken staff more time to handle administrative work at the end of the day, free of interruptions from visitors to the front desk by individuals and attorneys.

I imagine it is sort of like what the banks do when they shut the doors to customers but keep the lights on while their workers continue to carry on their business at the end of the afternoon. For more info, including information about the other courts affected (some of the district, housing, juvenile and land courts), see the Supreme Judicial Court's press release.


Probate and Family Court
All Divisions
Registry Counter and phone coverage restricted after 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. Applies to any court business, except emergency restraining orders and other emergencies. Court sessions still will begin at 8:30 a.m.
 [BUT see first paragraph above: Hampden County's Probate and Family Court will stay open until 4:30 as before.]

For information about Massachusetts divorce and family law, see the divorce and family law page of my law firm website.

Back to Blogging Again!

I have neglected my blog here for quite some time. I see my last post was in November of 2009! I could explain why I have been gone so long, and give all kinds of excuses. But it really is simple. I stopped blogging at a time when I was extraordinarily busy, and just never got back to it.

Until now! I hope once again to contribute some of my thoughts on divorce and family law and other issues that concern me and my practice, as I continue also to spread the word about ideas and information from others in this field.

As usual, I welcome your feedback here!

For information about Massachusetts divorce and family law, see the divorce and family law page of my law firm website.

Lindsay Lohan lost her handphone

While partying in New York, Lindsay Lohan lost her phone but luckily, someone found it and returned it to her.

Tips for everyone, don't keep any photos that is very private in the phone. Who knows, what might happen.


Lindsay Lohan kicked out from Jacobs' bash

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After the incident at Marc Jacobs' after-party where Lindsay Lohan throw drink at a photographer there, she is not welcomed at Jacobs' bash which was held at the Dream Downtown on Thursday. This was reported by The New York Post.

The event organisers repeated saying, "It's not going to happen." when one of Lindsay Lohan's friend approached to let Lindsay to go in."

I guess Lindsay need to attend those anger management class. Nobody cant stand her attitude.


Mary-Kate Olsen does not want to sit same table as Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan attended a party that was hosted by V Magazine and Mary-Kate Olsen was there too and she was dismay when she found out that she need to sit the same table as Lindsay Lohan.

An insider said, "[Olsen] looked so upset about her seat and kept looking over at Lindsay." She was later overheard saying to her friend, "I really don't want to be here right now."


How to Market the Personal Injury Practice… Without Spending a Gazillion Dollars in Advertising

If you are a personal injury attorney and the leader when it comes to advertising spending in your market, this article is not for you.

If however, you are a personal injury attorney who cannot afford to “outshout” the competition on television radio, or in print, fear not. There are a number of tactics the smaller PI firm or attorney can do to ensure their voice is heard. And they involve four very different though interrelated activities.

Before implementing those activities however, the smaller PI firm must take a hard look at what distinguishes it from its competitors. To the layperson, all PI firms appear pretty much the same from the outside -- they all make the same claims and all promise to get paid only if “you do.” Hence, it is imperative that the smaller firm find that little niche it can leverage to its advantage. This can take the form of a particular target group that the firm services, knows well and for which it can provide a sense of comfort. It can also seek to leverage experience in a specific area of personal injury -- be it brain injuries, mesothelioma, motorcycle accidents, birth injuries, etc. Finally, one can also seek to leverage the limited marketing dollars available across a very tightly targeted geographic area. If you can’t be the big player in the major market, be the biggest player in one section of that market.

Once those decisions have been made (and by the way, there’s no rule that says that you can’t elect to proceed with some permutation of them), it’s time to leverage those points of difference.

As stated, there are four ways in which to do this. The first of these involves the firm web site. If you peruse competitive web sites, you will notice that there’s a sameness to the vast majority of them. They all purport to do the same thing and cover the same practice areas. But an individual with a brain injury or mesothelioma or any specific type of injury or illness isn’t looking for a personal injury attorney -- they’re looking for a brain injury or mesothelioma lawyer. If your site can highlight a certain level of experience or accomplishment in this area, not only will visitors pick up on this “expertise,” but so will the search engines. Don’t want to de-emphasize other PI areas by focusing on any one? No problem. Consider creating a microsite on the specific area of interest and having it link off of the firm’s main site. And, just like the firm’s main site, this microsite can also be optimized for high search engine placement. Of course, if you’ve decided not to leverage a particular sub-practice area, you can apply a similar approach in reaching out to members of a specific target group.

The same logic applies to the second of the marketing activities at your disposal -- public relations. Through press releases, articles, broadcast interview placements, and presentations, the smart PI attorney can position himself as a premier authority on a particular subject. This generates not just exposure – but free exposure. Further, all of the articles and videos and presentations can then be used as fodder for that web site or microsite, thereby further enhancing optimization efforts (i.e., the search engines just love new content).

The third highly effective means for getting one’s name out there is through sponsorships with causes and organizations that relate to your particular area of focus. If you are going to emphasize brain injuries in your practice (and on your web site and through PR), then hook up with the hospitals, clinics, and non-profit groups that serve those who suffer from such maladies. Better still, organize an event or campaign that draws attention to a particular concern and to your firm at the same time. Think of public service campaigns that law firms have implemented warning of the hazards of drinking and driving. A little creativity can align your practice with a worthy cause, creating goodwill between yourself and your target prospects -- not a bad thing at a time when perceptions of PI attorneys are not as positive as one might hope.

Finally, if you take the geographic approach and seek to be the dominant player, albeit in a smaller area, the opportunity exists to leverage what marketing dollars you do have towards all kinds of marketing mix permutations. It is important to understand that oftentimes it is more important to reach a smaller number of people several times than it is to reach a large number of individuals only a few times. That is because research has shown that it usually takes quite a number of exposures to prompt an individual to action. And because you can’t really prompt an individual to seek a PI attorney until that time that they’ve been injured, being “out there” on a regular basis in a smaller pond often is a wiser bet than casting your lot by being drowned out in the ocean.

In summary, while no one can argue the advantages of having a large marketing budget with which to promote one’s firm, a willingness to carve out a specific niche, and little ingenuity can go a long way in offsetting those advantages.

Lindsay Lohan accused of throwing drink to paparazzi

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Lindsay Lohan is accused of throwing drink at photographer when she was at a New York Fashion Week event on Wednesday. She was pissed off when the photographer took her photo there.

A 'tweet' on the Women's Wear Daily blog stated, "Lindsay Lohan just threw a full drink at a boy at V magazine party who dared to snap her pic," while Rischen himself added, "Wow. Lindsay Lohan is as trashy as they always say. She threw drinks and glasses to me as we tried to take a shot for V magazine."


Video of Dina Lohan talking about her wish to Appear on 'Millionaire Matchmaker'


Lindsay's mom dina support her sister Ali

Ali Lohan looked very skinny and may have gone for plastic surgery. She was criticised by people.

Dina is not concerned about this matter and believes that Ali is going through a normal growth spurt.

One source said, "Dina is adamant though that Ali is just going through a very big growth spurt, and there is absolutely no cause for concern. If Dina thought for one moment that Ali was suffering from an eating disorder, or feeling the pressure to be thin, she would terminate Ali's modeling contract, and get her the necessary help."


fresh new music
Club Paradise Lyrics
Right Here Lyrics
Love Sick Lyrics
Blake McGrath
There She Goes Lyrics
Taio Cruz
Bonnie & Clyde Lyrics
Scarlett Johansson
Don't Lose It Lyrics
Na Na Na Lyrics
One Direction
Y U Mad Lyrics
Forever And Always Lyrics
123 Lyrics
Craig Smart
More blog tools found here.

Lindsay Lohan attracted the crowd at Fashion Week show

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Lindsay Lohan went to Cynthia Rowley's Fashion Week show on Friday night and attracted the crowd there.

The Fug Girls wrote, "The entire room full of journalists sat ramrod straight and let out excited, disbelieving, four-letter expletives as we all realized this was actually Lindsay Freaking Lohan."


Ali Lohan went for plastic surgery?

Lindsay Lohan's sister Ali Lohan was spotted with a different look when she was in Beverly Hills on Tuesday. Her face appeared more angular and her lips fuller.

Did she go for plastic surgery?


Other celebrities did tattoo using Billy Joel lyrics, like Lindsay too

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Lindsay Lohan has a new tattoo, which taken from one of Billy Joel's song "I Go to Extremes" , wich written "Clear as a crystal sharp as a knife/ I feel like I'm in the prime of my life" .

But looks like other celebrities have Billy Joel's lyrics on their tattoo too. Below are:

Warren Buffett : I've got the old man's car/ I've got a jazz guitar/ I've got a tab at Zanzibar.

Sean Connery : You're my castle, you're my cabin and my instant pleasure dome.

Michiko Kakutani : I'm a cosmopolitan sophisticate/ Of culture and intelligence/ The culmination of technology/ And civilized experience.


Lindsay Lohan taking shoplifting classes

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A judge ordered Lindsay Lohan to attend shoplifting alternative classes. I wonder whether she can stop doing all the bad things.


Lindsay Lohan slapped with a parking ticket

Lindsay Lohan was slapped with a parking ticket because she parked her Cadillac Escalade in front of a fire hydrant in Beverly Hills because she was rushing to the Byron and Tracy hair salon.


Hot songs
Saxobeats Lyrics
Alexandra Stan
Time Stands Still Lyrics
Nelly Furtado
Dancin' Away With My Heart Lyrics
Lady Antebellum
Spinnin' Lyrics
Dionne Bromfield
Midnight Run Lyrics
More Than You'll Ever Know Lyrics
Boyz II Men
Danza Kuduro Lyrics
Don Omar
My Love Is Like a Star Lyrics
Demi Lovato
You Have To Be There Lyrics
Susan Boyle
Lord Knows Lyrics
Ace Hood
More blog tools found here.

Nevada Business Law Blog Launch

Introducing our Nevada Business Law Blog, launched today. The first post concerns Nevada's new single-member LLC law, and may be of interest to California residents and businesses, as well as Nevadans.

The blawg can be found at

Lindsay Lohan dislikes that Mena Suvari and Dania Ramirez use her in video

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Lindsay Lohan dislikes that Mena Suvari and Dania Ramirez used her name and put into video that highlights her past.

In one of the scene in video, it depicts LiLo (Mena) pretends to shop as she puts her clothes with jewelry.


Lindsay Lohan has new tattoo

Lindsay Lohan has a new tattoo according to TMZ reports. The tattoo pertains words from Billy Joel song lyric, written "Clear as a crystal sharp as a knife I feel like I'm in the prime of my life".
