Ron Paul on Jay Leno: His Best Video Ever; Paul Soars into the Lead in Iowa Polls; Paul Passes Gingrich in New Hampshire!

Many people have serious misconceptions about who Ron Paul is and what he stands for. In a riveting video on the Jay Leno show, to a wildly enthusiastic audience, Ron Paul explains his position on numerous subjects.

Link if video does not play: Ron Paul on Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Ron Paul Soars Into Lead in Latest Iowa Poll

I am extremely pleased to report Paul takes lead as Gingrich collapses in Iowa
Newt Gingrich's campaign is rapidly imploding, and Ron Paul has now taken the lead in Iowa. He's at 23% to 20% for Mitt Romney, 14% for Gingrich, 10% each for Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Perry, 4% for Jon Huntsman, and 2% for Gary Johnson.

Gingrich has now seen a big drop in his Iowa standing two weeks in a row. His share of the vote has gone from 27% to 22% to 14%. And there's been a large drop in his
personal favorability numbers as well from +31 (62/31) to +12 (52/40) to now -1 (46/47).

Negative ads over the last few weeks have really chipped away at Gingrich's image as
being a strong conservative- now only 36% of voters believe that he has 'strong principles,' while 43% think he does not.
PPP Poll Results

Ron Paul eclipses Newt Gingrich in latest New Hampshire PPP poll

As pleasing as the Iowa caucus poll is, the latest New Hampshire poll is an absolute stunner.

Please consider Ron Paul eclipses Newt Gingrich in latest New Hampshire PPP poll
Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX), a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, continues his streak of strong poll finishes. Mr. Paul eclipsed former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in the latest Public Policy Polling poll of likely New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary voters released Monday. Mr. Paul pulled in 19 percent of the votes to best Mr. Gingrich, who garnered 17 percent of the votes. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who has always been the front-runner in New Hampshire, finished in first place with 35 percent of the votes.

Mr. Paul can also celebrate two other recent poll victories. Mr. Paul won both an Insider Advantage and Public Policy Polling poll of likely Iowa GOP caucusgoers Monday. Mr. Paul bested Mr. Romney by 3 percentage points in the PPP poll and by 6 percentage points in the Insider Advantage poll. The Iowa poll victories represent the first time that Mr. Paul has led in Iowa since he launched his campaign in May.

With Mr. Paul in the lead in Iowa, Mr. Gingrich’s campaign appears to be gasping for air. As it stands now, Mr. Paul has a healthy chance at a top-tier finish in Iowa and New Hampshire and growing chance of finishing first in Iowa and second in New Hampshire.
How You Can Help

 It is a sad state of affairs when more are concerned about the latest Hollywood gossip than an extremely important presidential election.

That you are reading this post to this point suggests you are different. Do not be afraid to discuss politics and why you support Ron Paul. Please forward this post or the Jay Leno video to your friends and have them watch it.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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