Danny Riley aka (Dog Walker) exposes what Really Happened at Ed Browns House Today.

A Life Saving Dog Walk

Casey Lee Cobb | Show Ed The Law | June 7th 2007

Danny Riley friend of Ed Brown reveals what really happened when he was walking the dog this morning at the Browns. This is an amazing interview I recommend that you all watch it from start to finish. Danny Riley a true patriot and friend of the Browns, was doing them a favor by walking their dog when he realized that there were infiltrators close by camouflaged in ghillie suits preparing to unlawfully raid the property of Ed and Elaine Brown.

He confronted one of the infiltrators by yelling out “What are you doing turkey hunting!” only to be assaulted with attempts on his life, two sniper rounds whizzed by his person. He was then tazed and taken into custody by our criminal government.

At which point he was strip searched and interrogated when all was said and done they finally released him under the condition that he not reveal the true events of what happened. Being a real patriot with fellow patriots in danger, guided by his conscience Danny is disclosing to the world what really happened at the Browns house.

This clears the air and establishes a public record that the intent of the local government all along has been to infiltrate the browns with excessive force, all the while local law enforcement in the area has been deceiving the local news media by saying that the armored vehicles and men in black ski masks were merely there to serve a warrant.

This man choosing to walk Ed’s dog at the time that he did may have inadvertently prevented a tragedy from happening today. Whether you believe in god or not, one must admit that today was a very fortunate day for the Brown family. Thank you Danny Riley.