Ed Brown: Educating the Press

Casey Lee Cobb | ShowEdTheLaw.com | June 7th 2007

Ed Brown Educates Kevin Flynn a reporter from WMUR News 9 in New Hampshire. He asked the reporter to Show him the law which requires him to pay an income tax.

He then proceeded to gift the reporter with Aaron Russo’s new movie “America: From Freedom to Fascism”, which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the IRS’s enforcement actions are implemented fraudulently with the assistance of the lower courts which are not submitting to the decisions of the Supreme Court.

Let us measure this journalist’s integrity and see if he watch’s the video and actually pursues real answers as to why the law enforcement officials in New Hampshire are attempting to persecute Ed and Elaine Brown by criminally enforcing court orders that directly violate Supreme Court decisions with respects to the application of the so called “income tax”.