Elaine Brown Elaborates on civil disobedience.

In today’s show, I thought Elaine Brown very adequately equated civil disobedience, to spiritual obedience. You see, she pointed out the fact that many of man’s laws are in conflict with gods laws, and that in the end we must choose whom we are a subject too. Are we a subject to man, or subject to God? Can we serve two masters, when they come into conflict with one another?

One thing that I would like to add to that is the way organized religions misinterpret the scriptures with respects to paying Caesars things to Caesar, and God’s things to God. Many organized 501c3 religious corporations risk their very own legal status by correctly interpreting Mark 12:17 and Romans 13:7 (so they don’t correctly interpret it.)

You see when you consider the income tax there are certain pesky facts we have to deal with. (a.) There is no law that requires you to pay. (b.) despite the fact that there is no law, Caesar would like you to pay him every red cent you own. But here is the thing, the reason Caesar cannot lay claim to your money is because it violates his own laws, which is the constitution.

Now being that the product of your labor does not inherently belong to Caesar, he cannot lay claim to it through the legal system. He must try and take it away from you, by deceiving you into volunteering your money through the use of fear and coercion. So being that Caesar knows your labor is a direct result of a product of God.

He must use the IRS in order to attempt to deceive you into sending him paper work claiming that you owe him something that you do not. Then he can feel justified in taking it, because you told him that it was his, when you established your own liability through the process of self assessment. You see, when you voluntarily assess an income tax liability, you have to first understand what an “income” is before you complete your assessment.

Corporations come from Caesar; corporations are fictions chartered into a pseudo existence and therefore belong to Caesar. So any profits that come from Caesar, owe a cut to Caesar. Now if you are deceived into believing that your status is the same status of a corporation, you can be easily deceived into thinking that you have an income, which is a profit derived from corporate activities.

I think I’m going to cut this short because many will not be able to follow, but the plain and simple fact of the matter is that the government uses the postal service and the use or misuse of the English grammar to deceive many people into operating as officers of a corporation. And when you claim to be responsible for the activities of a corporation, in essence you set yourself up as being the fall guy.

Let that be a partial explanation for those whom have eyes to see, and ears to hear. Romans 13:7, says pay people what you owe people, which is the exact same thing that Jesus said. However people truly must understand the nature of their involvement in commerce. Are you a pseudo fiction, or a Man/Woman? The key to understanding the capacity in which you operate is to understand the proper use of punctuation in English grammar. The truth of the matter is that Extra-constitutional laws; (statutory laws) do not apply to men and women, in the same way that they apply to fictional entities.