An Introduction


Jim Chen has been nice enough to let me join the burgeoning MoneyLaw team as a member. Before I jump into the fray on collegiality, the proper use of faculty email, the New York Times rule, the market for letters of recommendation, and on and on I wanted to post a quick introduction.

I am in my 8th year at the University of Denver, Sturm College of Law where I teach Criminal Law and Procedure as well as, when my Associate Dean permits, Death Penalty Jurisprudence and Federal Courts. I am trained as a social scientist and, now that I'm tenured, I hope to return to the quantitative investigation of legal phenomena that is my academic passion.

I have been an avid reader and occasional commenter on this blog since its inception. As a lifelong fan of the Oakland A's, I read Michael Lewis's Moneyball with glee and Paul Caron's and Rafael Gely's What Law Schools Can Learn From Billy Beane and the Oakland Athletics with a mix of jealousy and awe. When this blog appeared, it seemed to be the intersection of so many of the things I'm interested in. But then, I'm a dork.

Thanks for having me on board and please bear with me as I try to figure out this whole "blogging" business.