Mothers, Fathers, Families & Gender Issue Blogs

Following up on my recent post, in which I recommended two very different blogs, one from fathers and the other from feminists, I now want to supplement that post by listing several other blogs that are contributing, in their own particular way, to the dialogue we should be having on gender issues - issues that should be of concern to anyone in the family law field, and, for that matter, anyone who cares about our social and family life.

These blogs are quite different from one another, so much so that it is unlikely they will ever appear together on any other list. And even though I often disagree with specific things they say, I find that generally they all do a better job than most commentators in contributing thoughtful, provocative posts that really try to tackle these important issues head on. Of course I do find much with which to agree in each of these blogs, and I highly recommend them all:

Family Scholars Blog
Fathers & Families Blog
Feminist Law Professors Blog
Glenn Sacks Blog

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