MoneyBall MoneyLaw

When I heard they were making a movie based on MoneyBall I could not sleep just thinking about who would play the key roles in the obvious sequel, MoneyLaw. Would some of us have bit parts? Alas, the MoneyBall movie has been deeply back burnered and, I think this means the MoneyLaw movie is similarly delayed but probably only for a millennium or two.

With respect to the actual Oakland A's there is good news and bad. They are in last place. But among last place teams they have or are tied for the best record. Somehow, if this were all switched to law schools and those who play the USN&WR game (and who doesn't?), I think we could show just how commendable this is. We would just create a category -- really awful law schools. Then rank within that category and in the decanal glossy it would read "A's Law School Ranked Tops in Field." Another possibility is just to be better but that is so much trouble.